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Angela de la Cruz: Escombros

at Centre d'art La Panera, Lleida, Spain (October 2015 to January 2016)

Angela de la Cruz. Escombros brings together works made between 2009 and 2014. The exhibition takes its title from ‘Debris (2012)’, a work part of the ‘Wet’ series. In ‘Debris (2012)’, the artist refers to the rubbish and the waste afloat in the oceans, which finally reaches the seashore, but also the dead bodies of people that have died in violent circumstances. One of the themes that are always present in De la Cruz’s oeuvre is her concern with current affairs, the effects of global warming (hurricanes, tidal waves, floods), images of the wars and terrorist attacks. In these great disasters what the artist depicts is what remains after the adversity, the subsequent debris and wreckage left behind. References to water, waste refused by the flash floods of the rivers and the sea are present throughout the exhibition.  Angela de la Cruz’s oeuvre is characterised by its continuous questioning of the limits of painting and sculpture, as she uses either one or the other according to what she wants to express and to the needs of each work. As she herself has said, ‘It is a sculpture using the language of painting and vice versa. It’s a painting and sculpture’. Over the past five years De la Cruz’s creole language has evolved, so that where painting used to be predominant in any part of the exhibition space (walls, floor or corners) we now find that the elasticity of aluminum  has given  her sculptures the freedom to be placed anywhere.

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